
Welcome to the virtual home of ICN’s implementation initiatives!

Promotion, awareness, and encouraging implementation of ICN work product is vital to the network. The first goal mentioned in the ICN’s mission statement is an active one: “to advocate the adoption of superior standards and procedures in competition policy around the world.” ICN Chair Mundt has emphasized the great importance for the ICN “to raise awareness for its work products, promote them and ensure that they are implemented into legislation and everyday work, making the ICN the key element of global convergence in competition law.”

To support ICN’s work and its impact, the ICN has a dedicated “Promotion and Implementation” (P&I) group co-chaired by Portugal’s AdC, Mexico’s COFECE, and the US FTC, joined by Working Group chairs and other interested members.

Promotion and Implementation work

The P&I group promotes ICN work and implementation initiatives in a variety of ways.

  • We produce and update the “Work Product Catalog” to raise awareness of ICN’s core consensus work product across its various working groups.
  • P&I coordinates with working group chairs to provide implementation assistance to members interested in learning more about ICN work product on specific topics. We welcome member agency requests for ICN input to inform efforts to adopt new laws, rules, guidelines and practices. To request implementation assistance or advice, see P&I contact information below.
  • P&I makes an annual request to members for stories about how members use ICN work product, to help document ICN’s impact and inspire members with implementation ideas from their peers. To report implementation stories from your agency, see P&I contact information below.
  • P&I organizes implementation session at the annual conference to showcase how members make use of ICN work.

The P&I group aims to develop further initiatives to raise awareness of ICN work product and promote its implementation, engaging members, working groups, and non-governmental advisors.

If you have ideas for ICN’s P&I work or would like to join the group, please let us know!

P&I Contacts

Contact P&I co-chairs: