
The mission of the Advocacy Working Group (AWG) is to improve the effectiveness of ICN members in advocating the dissemination of competition principles and to promote the development of a competition culture. AWG develops practical tools and guidance, and facilitates experience-sharing among ICN member agencies.

Advocacy reinforces the value of competition by educating citizens, businesses and policy-makers. In addition to supporting the efforts of competition agencies in tackling private anti-competitive behaviour, advocacy is an important tool in addressing public restrictions to competition. Competition advocacy in this context refers to those activities conducted by the competition agency, that are related to the promotion of a competitive environment by means of non-enforcement mechanisms, mainly through its relationships with other governmental entities and by increasing public awareness in regard to the benefits of competition.

Current Work

AWG Annual Work Plan 2024-2025

AWG Contact Information

The Working Group is co-chaired by the Philippine Competition Commission, Competition Authority of Kenya, Egyptian Competition Authority and Japan Fair Trade Commission. Special Project Lead is the Competition Commission of Singapore. For more information about the AWG, please contact: