Unilateral Conduct WG is organising a webinar on Barriers to Entry in Digital Markets
Tuesday 23 March 2021, at 9:00 EDT/14:00 CET.
Speakers will share their experience on the topic and discuss amongst all the following issues: economies of scale and scope and network effects, ecosystems and vertical integration, data driven advantages, switching costs and behavioural bias.
Moderator: Bradley Callaghan, Associate Deputy Commissioner, Competition Bureau of Canada
Thembalethu Buthelezi, Principal Economist, South Africa Competition Commission
Paulo Casagrande, Partner at Trench, Rossi, Watanabe, Brazil
Valeria Falce, Jean Monnet Professor in EU Innovation Policy, Università Europea di Roma, Italy
Interested agencies and NGAs can contact the UCWG chairs at [email protected] and ask for the dial-in details.