2023 ICN-WBG Competition Advocacy Contest

The International Competition Network and the World Bank Group are pleased to announce the launch of the 2023 Competition Advocacy Contest, which follows the successful experience of the previous eight joint editions.
We are looking for success stories from competition agencies, other government bodies or non-governmental organizations that demonstrate the tangible results of competition advocacy regarding:

Theme 1 – Embedding competition principles in public policies, especially when responding to crises

Theme 2 – Advocating for competition across borders to meet global challenges

Theme 3 – Reinforcing market institutions to deliver better market outcomes

Theme 4 – Supporting the climate change agenda through competition policy

The deadline for submissions is JULY 14, 2023.

For more information and details on how to apply please visit the following web-page: https://www.worldbank.org/en/events/2023/05/22/competition-advocacy-contest-2023

We welcome your participation!


For more information and details on how to apply, please click here