2 Results
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Competition Council of Tunisia

Ridha Ben Mahmoud
216 71 961 902
216 71 961 903
Rue du Lac Biwa, Les Berges du Lac, 1053, Tunis, Tunisia
Mohamed Ayadi
First Vice President
216 71 961 878
216 71 961 903
Rue du Lac Biwa, Les Berges du Lac,1053 Tunis, Tunisia
Amor Tounakti
Second Vice President
216 71 962 237
216 71 961 903
Rue du Lac Biwa, Les Berges du Lac, 1053, Tunis, Tunisia

Fair Competition Commission (United Republic of Tanzania)

William E. Erio
Director General
255 754 316 840
255 22 2122449
P.O. Box 7883
Zaytun Kikula
Director of Research, Mergers and Advocacy
255 783 182 073
255 22 2122449
P.O. Box 7883
Josephat Mkizungo
Legal Services Manager
076 758 243
255 22 21222449
P.O. Box 7883
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* members who are either a multinational competition agency entrusted with the enforcement of competition law(s) or a competition agency of a customs territory entrusted with the enforcement of competition law(s) throughout the customs territory.