ICN Training Overview

Join us for another session of ICN’s 2020 Fall Seminar Series!
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
08:00 EST / 14:00 CET
ICN’s Training on Demand
The world’s top competition experts are just a click away! The ICN’s ever-expanding collection of online video training modules is available to you anywhere, anytime.
Please join us for this Fall Webinar showcasing the ICN Training on Demand project. During the webinar, we will describe the origins of the ICN Training on Demand project, show you where to access videos, hear about how to make use of the video library, and tell you how you can get involved in the development and production of future training modules.
Interested agencies and NGAs can ask for the dial-in details.
MWG: Sound Decision Making

Join us for another session of ICN’s 2020 Fall Seminar Series!
The ICN Merger Working Group
Presents a Fall Webinar on
Sound Decision Making
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
8.00 (EST) / 13.00 (GMT) / 14.00 (CET)
This webinar shall discuss topics addressed during the Merger Working Group’s regional webinars on sound decision making in merger assessment, such as evidence-based decision making, transparency, independence, and anti-bribery.
Joel Bamford
Senior Director, Mergers
Competition and Markets Authority, UK
Patricia Brink
Director of Professional Development
Antitrust Division, USA
Kaoru Harada
Senior Officer, M&A Division
Fair Trade Commission, Japan
Cristiane Landerdahl de Albuquerque
Head of Merger & Antitrust Unit for Regulated Markets
CADE, Brazil
Raphael Mburu
Manager, Mergers and Acquisitions
Competition Authority, Kenya
Interested agencies and NGAs can contact the MWG Co-chairs and ask for the dial-in details.
UCWG: Digital Markets seminar

Join us for another session of ICN’s 2020 Fall Seminar Series!
Please join us for an ICN UCWG webinar on the “Report on the Results of the ICN Survey on Dominance/Substantial Market Power in Digital Markets” on 27 October 2020, 9:00 EDT/14:00 CET.
Speakers will share experience on key elements of the report and will discuss what further guidance may be needed to help agencies assess market power in digital markets.
Ekaterina Rousseva, Policy and case coordinator, European Commission, DG Competition
Simone Wong, Principal Economist, Competition and Consumer Economics Unit, ACCC, Australia
Dr. Sebastian Wismer, Head of Unit Digital Economy, Bundeskartellamt, Germany
Sergio Rodriguez Garcia, Director General for Market Investigations, COFECE, Mexico
Yves Botteman, Partner, Dentons Europe LLP, Brussels, Belgium, also UCWG NGA for DG Competition
Best regards,
Interested agencies and NGAs can contact the UCWG Co-chairs and ask for the dial-in details.
2019-2020 ICN/WBG Competition Advocacy Contest Session
Join us for the first session of ICN’s 2020 Fall Seminar Series!
The 2019-2020 ICN-WBG Competition Advocacy Contest
Competition as a tool to reap the benefits and mitigate the costs of the new economy: Jobs, industry and data
Tuesday, 22nd September 2020
8:00-9:30 EDT (Washington D.C.) / 14:00-15:30 CEDT (Rome)
Moderator: Andrea Minuto Rizzo, Head of International Affairs Office, Italian Competition Authority (AGCM)
Opening remarks:
Andreas Mundt, ICN Steering Group Chair and President of Bundeskartellamt
Georgiana Pop, Global Lead, Competition Policy, World Bank Group
Alessandra Tonazzi, Director of the European and International Affairs Directorate, Italian Competition Authority (AGCM)
Awards announcements & discussion:
Theme 1: Unleashing competition for more and better jobs
Presenter: Mariana Tavares, Partner, Levy & Salomão Advogados
Theme 2 – Aligning industrial policies with competition principles
Presenter: Georgiana Pop, Global Lead, Competition Policy, World Bank Group
Theme 3 – Promoting pro-competition data regulation
Presenter: Alessandra Tonazzi, Director of the European and International Affairs Directorate, Italian Competition Authority
Theme 4 – Boosting policy effectiveness through better coordination between enforcement and advocacy
Presenter: Eleanor Fox, Walter J. Derenberg Professor of Trade Regulation at New York University School of Law