2022 ICN Advocacy Workshop, 9-10 February

The Spanish National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) is pleased to invite you to the 2022 ICN Advocacy Workshop. During the two-day event, ICN members as well as non-governmental advisors (NGAs) will have the opportunity to share their experiences on current topics such as the role competition advocacy in the economic recovery, the value of competition beyond market efficiency, the challenges posed by digitalisation or the impact of competition policies on labour markets, among other topics.
The Workshop will be held online, from 9 to 10 February 2022. Prior registration is needed. Agenda and registration are available at the event webpage: https://icn.cnmc.es/
The CNMC looks forward to meeting ICN member agencies and NGAs in February 2022! If you have any questions, you can write us at: [email protected]
ICN Virtual Spotlight with ACCC Chair Rod Sims
ICN Virtual SpotlightCompetition Enforcement in the Digital Economy

Rod Sims, Chair Australia Competition and Consumer Commission and ICN Vice Chair
Andreas Mundt, President Bundeskartellamt and ICN Chair
Andreas Mundt and Rod Sims on the future direction of competition enforcement in the digital economy
On 13 December ICN Chair Andreas Mundt sat down for a candid discussion with Rod Sims, Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Rod is the ICN Vice Chair for Digital Coordination and Asia Pacific Liaison. In this 1:1 spotlight Andreas and Rod pondered the future direction of competition enforcement in the digital economy.
Please click the link below for video of the the webinar.
2022 Annual Conference, Berlin
The 2022 ICN Annual Conference will take place in Berlin, 4-6 May
2021-2022 ICN Kickoff call: November 24

Join us for a
“Kickoff Call” for the new ICN Year
Hear from the ICN Working Groups on New Work Product & How to Get Involved in this Year’s Projects
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
08:00– 09:15 (Ottawa) / 14:00-15:15 (Bonn)
Join us for this kickoff call of the new ICN year. The Co-chairs from each ICN working group – Advocacy, Agency Effectiveness, Cartels, Mergers, and Unilateral Conduct – will present new work product, work plans for 2021/2022, and opportunities to participate in this year’s projects. You also will hear about various ICN projects, plans for promoting implementation and a preview of the upcoming 2022 ICN annual conference. Member agencies please forward to your NGAs. Please find the relevant information to join the call:
Meeting ID: 161 169 9637
Passcode: .5wu8J
Dial by your location:
Find your local number: https://ftc.zoomgov.com/u/au1BVEHvN
+1 551 285 1373 US
Meeting ID: 161 169 9637
We look forward to speaking with you on Wednesday.
2021 ICN Virtual Itinerary

The ICN’s Virtual Itinerary keeps you up-to-date with the schedule of upcoming ICN events, including seminars, workshops, and the annual conference. This list is updated monthly, and other additions and changes are made when available, so check back often for confirmation.
Replay: 2020-2021 Competition Advocacy Contest Award Ceremony

Watch the 2020-2021 Competition Advocacy Contest Award Ceremony
Winners and honorable mentions were announced during a virtual ceremony on October 7th, 2021, when the chair of the ICN Steering Group and representatives of the ICN Advocacy Working Group, World Bank Group and the selecting panel discussed lessons learned and details of the successful advocacy initiatives with officials from the awarded competition authorities, selected among 31 entries submitted by both government authorities and non-governmental organizations from 19 jurisdictions around the world. To discover the awarded authorities and watch the Ceremony, click here https://www.worldbank.org/en/events/2021/04/07/competition-advocacy-contest-2021
The ICN Turns 20!

The ICN celebrates its 20th Anniversary on October 25, 2021!
Replay: ICN's 20th Annual Conference Panels

Recordings now available: Relive the plenary panels from the 2021 ICN Annual Conference!
Link to the conference website. Scroll down to "Programs and Recordings." Pick a conference day, and choose a panel.
ICN's 20th Annual Conference

The ICN virtually celebrates its 20th Anniversary in Budapest and announces Berlin as venue for the 21st ICN Annual Conference
The International Competition Network (ICN) held its 20th annual conference from 13 to 15 October. The event hosted by the Hungarian Competition Authority took place in a virtual format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ICN is the most important network of competition authorities worldwide. It comprises 140 competition agencies from 130 jurisdictions. At the conference, the ICN Steering Group re-elected Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt, as Chair for the 2021-2022 term.
“The ICN has provided the basis for 20 years of successful multilateral cooperation. Congratulations to our colleagues in Hungary for organizing the ICN Anniversary Conference!” Andreas Mundt, ICN Chair and President of the Bundeskartellamt. “We are entering the ICN’s third decade and it is time to look ahead: Digitalization will remain a key issue. Sustainability is the second topic which will lead to a major transformation and will require our attention. The third challenge for competition agencies is the interaction with other areas of law. We will have to keep an open mind.”
The conference host presented a panel about sustainability and competition law. The ICN Advocacy Working Group panellists shared views and experiences on how companies, with limited resources and capabilities, could best manage to ensure compliance with competition law. The Agency Effectiveness Working Group discussed the opportunities and challenges for competition agencies in the post-COVID world. The Cartel Working Group addressed issues and challenges in international cooperation in the fight against cross-border cartels. The Merger Working Group discussed merger control in the ICN’s third decade. The Unilateral Conduct Working Group explored how agencies deal with challenges they face when analysing theories of harm and designing remedies in unilateral conduct cases in digital markets.
Three other panels looked at the intersection between competition, consumer protection and privacy, international cooperation, and the implementation of ICN work. A breakout session presented first results of the ICN Third Decade Review, a self-evaluation of the network looking at tools, structure and topics to provide a roadmap for the ICN during its third decade.
A recording of the conference will be available on the ICN conference webpage.
The 21st ICN Annual Conference will take place in Berlin from 4 to 6 May 2022. The ICN 2022 conference video is available here.
Now Playing! 2021 Working Group Update Videos

The 2021 Working Group & projects update videos are out! Enjoy viewing updates on work product and activities from Working Group chairs for the 2020-21 ICN year and previews for next year.
Links to 2021 Working Group update videos:
Agency Effectiveness Working Group
Unilateral Conduct Working Group
Intersection of competition, consumer, and data privacy Project