22nd ICN Annual Conference – it's a wrap

The 22nd Annual Conference of the International Competition Network (ICN) hosted by the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) in Barcelona from 18 to 20 October 2023 was a great success.

The Conference video is available here and the plenary sessions can be watched here.


ICN Statement of Achievements 2022-2023

The ICN Statement of Achievements 2022-2023 is now available. Please click on the button below.

22nd ICN Annual Conference – Record participation expected in Barcelona

The 22nd Annual Conference of the International Competition Network (ICN) will be hosted by the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) in Barcelona from 18 to 20 October 2023. Rising close to an unprecedented 100, the number of jurisdictions represented by the members and NGAs attending the event will be larger than ever before.

At the conference, participants will discuss and exchange experiences in Working Group sessions and address cross-cutting issues, including the interaction with courts, intersection of competition and data, food markets with a focus on developing countries, artificial intelligence, and sustainability.

For further information on the ICN Annual Conference, please visit the conference website. The livestreams of the plenary sessions will be available here without prior registration.


ICN Virtual Spotlight with Doris Tshepe, Commissioner Competition Commission, South Africa

ICN Virtual Spotlight – July 4

Today’s challenges on different levels


 Doris Tshepe, Commissioner Competition Commission, South Africa

Andreas Mundt, President Bundeskartellamt and ICN Chair

 45 minutes, 1:1


Public interest, digital markets and inclusive economic growth – listen to Doris Tshepe and Andreas Mundt when they discussed these topics from the perspective of different competition agencies. #ICN Spotlight


Please click the link below for video of the Spotlight.

Link to video

Recording: Merger Working Group webinar on nonhorizontal theories of harm

The Merger Working Group organized a webinar on Non-horizontal theories of harm in March 2023.

A recording of that webinar is available via the link below for review.


2023 ICN Virtual Itinerary

The ICN’s Virtual Itinerary keeps you up-to-date with the schedule of upcoming ICN events, including seminars, workshops, and the annual conference. This list is updated monthly, and other additions and changes are made when available, so check back often for confirmation.

2023 ICN Unilateral Conduct Workshop

The ICN Unilateral Conduct Workshop will be hosted by the Japan Fair Trade Commission in Tokyo, Japan, on March 7-8, 2023.


Seminar: Merger Working Group seminar on empirical evidence in digital mergers

As a part of the Merger Working Group’s project on Digital Mergers, consisting of four webinars in total, we are pleased to invite you to the third webinar on the topic Empirical Evidence. The webinar will be held on 26 January 2023 at 14:00-15:30 CET.

The line-up for the webinar is:

  • Mr Grashum Mutizwa, Principal Merger Analyst at COMPCOM  (South Africa) – Moderator
  • Mr Patrick Krauskopf, Partner at Agon Partners and Professor at Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (Switzerland, NGA) – Speaker
  • Mr Gabor Koltay, Senior Economist in the Chief Economist Team at DG COMP (European Commission) – Speaker
  • Mr Ioannis Lianos, President at HCC (Greece) – Speaker
  • Mr Daniel Bosa, SIC (Colombia) – Speaker


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2023 ICN Annual Conference

The Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) will host the 22nd ICN Annual Conference in Barcelona from 18 – 20 October 2023.


ICN Workshop Competition, Growth, & Recovery

The ICN Vice-Chair for Growth and Recovery, Margarida Matos Rosa, organized the “Competition, Growth and Recovery” Workshop on 25 October.

The workshop addressed the role of competition as we face the challenge of economic recovery in times of inflation. Experts discussed how competition principles can assist policy makers in fostering growth and competitiveness, aiding economic recovery, and supporting broader policy objectives.

The agenda is available here and you can find the key conclusions of the workshop here.

Link to Workshop Recording