Series VII Agency Effectiveness
Module VII-3: Introduction to International Organizations
This module, produced by Hassan Qaqaya, former head of the UNCTAD Competition and Consumer Branch and an active ITOD NGA, aims to give a broad perspective on what international organizations such as the ICN, OECD, UNCTAD, World Bank, and others produce and how their products can be useful to an agency. The module includes interviews with the heads of international organizations including Antonio Gomes, head of the Competition Division at OECD, Teresa Moreira, head of UNCTAD’s Competition Policy and Consumer Protection Branch, Martha Licetti, head of the Competition Policy Team at the World Bank, and Tembi Bonakele, Chairperson of the African Competition Forum.
Year published: 2017
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As an aid to viewers, especially those whose first language is not English, transcripts are available for those who wish to follow along in written format.